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Family Dentistry Practice Serving Luzerne County, PA
Residents of Plains, Dallas, Wilkes-Barre, & Kingston Areas

COVID-19 Information

Our team at Zielinski Family Dentistry has truly missed our patients! We are excited to open soon, however we will be opening cautiously and carefully. There are some changes in our policies that are being implemented to keep you, our patients, and our team members as safe as possible. We treat patients of all ages and health statuses and we want to do our best to keep everyone safe. 

We ask you to assist us in protecting you and our team by following some new protocols, suggested by the CDC, OSHA, the Department of Health and of course our Pennsylvania Dental Association. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • If you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, or any illness at all, please reschedule your appointment (cough, fever, etc.)
  • Please reschedule if you have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within two weeks.
  • Please sanitize your hands prior to entry, and enter the building wearing a mask.
  • You will notice sneeze guards in our reception area to protect front desk staff. We hope they are not permanent but they will remain until further notice.
  • Please do not bring anyone to your appointment who is not absolutely necessary. We will ask family members to remain in the car unless the patient is required to have a parent or guardian present. 
  • Please wait in your car and call when you arrive. We will call you back when we are ready to bring you directly into the treatment room.
  • Please leave any unnecessary belongings in the car.
  • Your temperature will be taken with a non-contact thermometer upon entry into the building. If you are registering a fever (100.4 degrees or more), you will be rescheduled 2+ weeks out.

Other precautions our office is taking:

  • Team members will all be taking their temperature upon arrival.
  • Team members who have had any close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who are experiencing flu-like symptoms will not be permitted to work.
  • We may look a little different to you during treatment due to the increase in our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Initially, at your regular check up and cleaning visit, you will notice our hygienists will also have an assistant.
  • We have implemented more extensive and stringent disinfecting protocols than we had before.
  • We have adjusted our schedule to limit the number of people and the traffic in the office.
  • We ask that the reception area only be used by patients who do not have a vehicle to wait in
  • Many items that you are used to will be removed, such as magazines, toys, models, and educational demos.

We thank you again for your patience and understanding throughout this challenging time, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon!

– Drs. Henry and Caroline Zielinski and Staff

Eliminate Fear of the Dentist
with Zielinski Family Dentistry

Since 1973, Zielinski Family Dentistry has offered a wide range of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and oral therapy services to Plains, PA, and the surrounding areas of Luzerne County. As a local family dentistry practice, our dentists and staff work to provide a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere for all patients. We understand that going to the dentist can be frightening and stressful at any age, and our team works with patients to eliminate that fear.

We accept most insurances including Delta Dental, MetLife, United Concordia, and others. Keep up with your oral health by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth to decrease the chance of cavities and tooth decay. Call Zielinski Family Dentistry at (570) 822-7312 today to make an appointment or contact us online. We proudly serve residents of Dallas, PA; Wilkes-Barre, PA; Kingston, PA; and the surrounding areas.

Find Experienced General Dentistry and Restorations in Plains, PA

Finding the right dentist can be difficult, especially if you seek pediatric dentistry, special care, or restorations. Zielinski Family Dentistry offers the following dental services to patients of all ages in Plains, PA:

Call Zielinski Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment with our friendly dental staff. We offer general dentistry services to Plains, PA; Wilkes-Barre, PA; Kingston, PA; and the surrounding areas.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services for Wilkes-Barre-Area Residents

Are you looking for ways to enhance your smile in Wilkes-Barre, PA? Zielinski Family Dentistry has the dental

services nearby to help. We offer various cosmetic dentistry services, including:

We can help you achieve that bright, white smile you have always wanted!

We provide fillings that match the color of your teeth! Goodbye silver fillings!

We have the skill to seal gaps for a solid look to your smile!

Our veneers refresh the look of your smile, helping you look picture perfect!

We also provides botox treatments to contour your face for a youthful look!

And More

We have a great amount of dental services available, call today!

Trust our knowledgeable staff to give you the bright, spotless smile you have always dreamed of. From at home teeth whitening kits, to tooth-colored fillings, Zielinski Family Dentistry will return the confidence in your smile in no time.

Oral Therapies for Kingston-Area Patients

Gum disease and jaw pain are common problems that many patients suffer through, sometimes without even realizing that there is actually a problem. If you suffer from extreme jaw pain, or sore and bleeding gums, Zielinski Family Dentistry can help. We offer the following oral therapies to patients living in Kingston, PA, and the surrounding areas:

Our compassionate staff will listen to
your struggles and find the best way to
treat the problem. Contact Zielinski
Family Dentistry today to learn more
about our oral therapies.

Learn More About Zielinski Family Dentistry

Zielinski Family Dentistry in Plains, PA, helps to promote dental hygiene and care to patients of all ages. Whether you are neglecting adequate dental care because of fears or cost, or are new to the area and need a new dentist, trust our staff to provide you with exceptional treatment. Read through past success stories and testimonials, and learn more about our dentists to see why Zielinski Family Dentistry is your best choice of dental care in Luzerne County.